About Turua Pākau
Previously TransformU Coaching
For me, it's always been about WHY.
If something is painful - why? If something is difficult - why? If something is infuriating - why? If something is uncomfortable - why? If something is scary - why?
My inner 3 year old has never given up! I have an insatiable appetite for learning.
Turua Pākau is my journey into WHY. As I've worked to dig out the various whys in my own life I've gathered a ton of information and inspiration. Everyday I consume content about psychology, cognition, neuroscience, education, sociology, spirituality, or self help topics. I study the work of experts in success habits, human potential and learning optimisation to feed my own curiosity and refine my skills.
I'm moved by people's personal breakthroughs in life. As a teacher even the most difficult days could be turned to gold by one child's eyes lighting up with the delight of learning something new or mastering a new skill. As a teacher educator my greatest joy came from a kaiako finally embracing the ogre of pāngarau/mathematics, my area of speciality. As a life coach my inner flame is fanned by the client whose face is brightened by clearing the mists of doubt.
With Turua Pākau my aim is to bring together all the learning I’ve gathered up over the years and present it for kaiako so that you can become the world changer you imagined when you first decided to enter this profession. My dream is to coach kaiako to greatness. Coaching is a proven pathway to empowerment.
I invite you to join me on my quest for personal excellence, transformation and empowerment. My blog is a kind of “thinking on display” deal where I journal about my own life. I’m already working on more material designed with you in mind.
I invite you to join me.
Michele Kire
Turua Pākau | Professional Coaching
Empowered kaiako will empower a generation.
I believe in the inevitability of your success.
I believe in the power of personal responsibility.
I believe that if you have a dream, you can make it happen.
Yes, I believe in all the corny cliches about personal development.