A New Journey

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It’s not always easy to start over… and over… and over. And yet somehow that’s what I keep doing. I’m an expert starter. I’ve always had big dreams about being a writer, a blogger, a speaker and trainer. I’ve always felt that there was more to come, just bubbling under the surface. I built a website, started a Facebook page, post to my Instagram in bursts of great intention… then it falls over, I get “distracted” and eventually I’ll start again. Again.

Honestly, I have 43 partially written blog posts or articles sitting in my “blogging” folder. They all start with the seed of an idea, a bit of inspiration, which I quickly note down and file away excitedly for “later” when I have a bit of time to actually write the thing.

Until I have a bit of time.

Excuse me while I ROFL.

I have plenty of time. I have the same 24 hours of earth spinning that everyone else does! Ok, I need to sleep and eat, but let’s say I have 15 hours to play with (I do really like sleep), 900 minutes, 54,000 seconds. The problem isn’t time, it’s action - plenty of time, too much avoidance.

Avoidance? Avoiding what?

Rejection, embarrassment, criticism, failure. What if people think I’m stupid? What if they think I’m useless? Of course I’m assuming that someone actually reads what I write, but that is the point of blogging, isn’t it, that someone reads it? Yes, the irony is not lost on me. [insert eye roll]. Me? Screw up? Oh hell to the yeah! Please refer to paragraph two, above.

“Ok then, Ms TransformU coach, what are you going to do about it, hmm?”

Here’s what I’m doing. I’m writing. Admittedly, as I write, there’s a mean girl in my head saying. “Pfft, you won’t finish it, you won’t publish it.” Shut up mean girl. I have published it!

I figure that if I can expose my own fears and imperfections for all the world (well, you anyway) to see them then perhaps you’ll get a little bit of a boost to your courage and step your game up too. We can all do with a wee bit of encouragement, right? I’m going to write about my battle with my insecurities (ha, this’ll be more riveting than reality tv) and expose myself (in a literary sense, of course) because that’s the only way for me to get to a place where I’m serving at a level that I actually desire. That’s how I will embody my dream, my big WHY, my legacy.

I’ll tell you all about the books I read, podcasts I listen to and videos I consume and how they inspire me. Maybe it’ll be useful to you. I hope so but even if it isn’t I know it’ll be useful for me.

You’re welcome.