Turua Pākau

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On overcoming

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Have you ever tried to do something over and over, and fallen flat on your face every time, and gotten to the point where even thinking about trying again induced stomach cramps?

That was where I was at (again) a couple of months ago. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch any videos from my favourite thought leaders/e-mentors, which previously would inspire me to action (for starting again, again). The very thought of opening up the online trainings I’d started (yes, see I’m good at starts) just made me cringe. At one point I even decided to delete my website, my Facebook and Instagram business accounts and just stop. Really. Just give up.

Thankfully, though, the accumulated wisdom from all those incredibly inspiring thought leaders has created a core of solid determination. I heard their voices echoing somewhere in the back of my mind.

“Push through that dip”, said Seth, “it’s just your lizard brain getting in the way.”

“Go back to your Why,” offered Simon.

“It’s figureoutable,” said Marie. “the world needs what you are creating.”

“Do it because it matters,” urged Brendon.

“Keep going!” cheered Carrie.

“Be brave. Get back in the arena,” added Brene.

“It’s your soul purpose,” declared Oprah in that way that only Oprah can.

“Girl,” chimed Rachel, “you got this!”

And then there was me. “Self,” I said, “are you serious when you say that your mission in life is to change the world by helping others to empower themselves?”

“Yes,” came the reply. 

“Right,” said I with determination. “Pick yo’ damn self up and keep going. This poor me bullshit is getting old. Lead by example, fool!”

I was right. I’m not a quitter. I fall over quite a lot but I don’t quit. Sometimes I’m a bit slow, but I don’t stop. I’m an intelligent woman, and yes, I want to do my part in making the world a better place.

It’s very common for us, in times of stress or difficulty, while under a cloud of depression to believe that we struggle alone but it’s simply not true. That aloneness is, if you take an honest look, self inflicted. We isolate ourselves out of shame and we insist that nobody else knows the struggle. It’s a lie we tell ourselves to justify our retreating and playing small.

I almost fell prey to my own doubts and fears. So this is me, continuing, and grateful to all those amazing people in the world of personal development who have put their life’s work out there to make a difference to anyone willing to listen and act.

Anyone. Willing. Act.